Weekly Worship

Welcome to 10:00 AM Sunday Worship in person in the Sanctuary & online. Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance. Sunday School students will meet in Fellowship Hall following the Exchange of Christ’s Peace unless it is a Family Sunday or during the summer. This year we are offering 2 Sunday School Classes: Children & Worship for Pre-K through grade 1 and Faith Works for grades 2 through 8. Additionally, refreshments are available following the service in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome – invite a friend!

[click here] 10:00 AM Family Worship on Sunday, July 28, 2024

10th Sunday after Pentecost

Join us for 10 AM family worship in the Sanctuary this Sunday! Help us welcome our guest, Melanie Williams. Melanie served as our church intern from November 2023–March 2024. Refreshments will be available following the service in Fellowship Hall. Invite a friend!

HEBREW LESSON: Jonah 1:1–17, 2:1, 3:1-5, 10, 4:1–4

MELANIE’S MEDITATION:  “Jonah: A Man on the Run

Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.

[click here] 10:00 AM Worship on Sunday, July 21, 2024

9th Sunday after Pentecost

Join us for 10 AM family worship in the Sanctuary this Sunday, July 21! Help us welcome our guest, Mark Hall, Sussex Gideons president and member of the Christian Motorcycle Association. We hope you can attend! Invite a friend!!

HEBREW LESSON:  Isaiah 55: 6–11
GOSPEL LESSON:   Luke 19: 1–10

Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.

[click here] 10:00 AM Worship on Sunday, July 14, 2024

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Join us for 10 AM worship in the Sanctuary this Sunday! All are welcome to worship! Invite a friend! Refreshments will be available following the service in Fellowship Hall.

HEBREW LESSON:  Isaiah 43:1–9    
God covenants to be our God.

EPISTLE LESSON:    2 Corinthians 13: 11–13; Ephesians 2: 3–10
                              We are God’s workmanship.

PASTOR DAVID’S MEDITATION:   Creeds, Confessions & Catechisms
VI. A Brief Statement of Faith

Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.

[click here] 10:00 AM Worship & Communion on Sunday, July 7, 2024

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Join us for 10 AM family worship & communion in the Sanctuary this Sunday, July 7.  Refreshments will be available following the service in Fellowship Hall.  Invite a friend!

HEBREW BIBLE READING: 2 Samuel 5: 1–10
God confirmed David king and shepherd of Israel.

EPISTLE LESSON: 2 Corinthians 12: 1–12, 13: 4–5
God’s grace and power is sufficient for us in our weakness.

PASTOR DAVID’S MEDITATION: Creeds, Confessions, & Catechisms: V. Our God Is Able

Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.

Join Zoom Worship:

Meeting ID: 848 4980 5011 Passcode: 751360