Jesus said, “For wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”

All women who are members or friends of the Presbyterian Church are members in good standing of Presbyterian Women. Please mark your calendars and join us at our meetings and/or programs. We want and need you there!
Meeting/activity reminders will be posted in the Sunday bulletin and News Bits, sent via email, and/or posted on the church Facebook page.
Would you like to receive email updates but are currently not on the list? Send your request to [email protected].
Recap of 2023:
- Presbyterian Women is an organization and community who support and work to strengthen the church while nurturing their own faith. In our church we provide multiple ways for women to connect with a variety of other women spiritually, emotionally and socially as we grow in Christ and with each other.
- At First Presbyterian Church, we are Elders, Deacons, Sunday School teachers, choir members, choir directors, pianists and soloists. We are Worship Leaders, Ushers and Greeters. We support all the church ministries in whatever they do.
- During 2023, we listened to Angelina Plut and Katelyn & Kelly McElroy tell us about their experiences at Camp Johnsonburg. We learned about Israel as Betsy Peterson shared experiences about their trip to the Holy Land. We’ve painted Kindness Rocks during Coffee Hour and organized Women in the Church Sunday. Working with Membership, we’ve also hosted a brunch recognizing recent high school and college graduates, as well as long time members.
- In addition, we created a Wall of Honor for our military veterans. We sold poinsettias and Easter lilies during the holidays, and we sponsored an Advent Wreath Workshop in December. We also worked to make the fish dinner a success by selling/buying tickets, baking desserts, ordering bags and assembling dinners.
- Donations were made to Presbyterian Women of the Highlands Presbytery, Camp Johnsonburg Scholarships as well as a generous donation to the camp itself. We have donated to St Jude’s Children Hospital, as well as Betsy’s Garden. We have also supported Pastor Appreciation Day, as well as Christmas gifts for our church staff.
- As you can see, Presbyterian Women are very active in our church. We encourage you to join us in all our activities, and we thank those of you who support us in whatever we do.
Working together we can and do accomplish a lot!
~PW Moderator