Dear Members & Friends of First Presbyterian Church of Blairstown,
November, 2021
Dear Members & Friends of First Presbyterian Church,
Have you ever asked or been asked the question: “What’s new?” Most of us get asked that question occasionally, and admittedly, while a good and a valid question, inevitably, the question can generate anxiety. “What’s new?” Honestly, the older we become the more difficult it is to conjure newness. If you’re like most of us, we usually ponder the question for a moment, stutter and say, “Er, well, my car is not new. My body is certainly not new. Pastor David’s pup, Holly — shy of twelve months — she’s sort of new.” Newness is not always apparent.
Our Stewardship and Finance Ministry has established as the stewardship campaign for this fall the theme: All Things New, based on Isaiah 43: 18–19. In those verses, Yahweh declares to Isaiah: Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over days gone by. I am about to do something new . . . Can you not perceive it? These powerful, life-giving, life enriching, wonder-making words of God’s newness generate joy and hope and wonder. They lift the human spirit.
Around our church newness abounds. Our new building addition offers a fresh appearance to the church. The addition will house a new elevator and a new stairway. The decrepit choir stairway has thankfully been replaced with a new entrance that will enhance the fire safety of the church and provide a new space above for the choir to store their robes and music. Newness, we are excited to say, is in our midst. Clearly, God is doing a new thing! The church is looking quite dapper!
As we journey in faith, we challenge our church family to trust God’s faithfulness and newness by participating in Project D.A.P.P.E.R. What is Project D.A.P.P.ER? It is a spiritually tangible way to experience God’s refreshing spirit by applying the following spiritual principles:
- Desire to attend worship. Faithfulness to worship is key to living the Christian life.
- Awaken each day to wonder the many ways God blesses you each day.
- Pray for the church and our ministries.
- Pledge yourself to the ministry of Jesus with your time, talents, and financial resources.
- Embody the life and love and justice of Jesus in your daily life.
- Rededicate yourself to the Lord Jesus Christ with your time, talents and treasures.
Christ is doing a new thing within us and ALL Christ wants and needs from us is our willingness. We encourage you to bring your pledge form to church Sunday November 21st when we will consecrate our pledges during worship. We encourage to you to participate in Project D.A.P.P.E.R this fall and live into it in the year ahead. We think it will be a blessing to your life.
For your continued support to, love for the Blairstown Presbyterian Church, and witness of the ministry of Jesus Christ and his kingdom, the Stewardship and Finance Ministry thanks you.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
The Stewardship & Finance Ministry and Pastor David Harvey

Click here for the First Presbyterian Church of Blairstown 2022 Pledge Form
On behalf of the Stewardship & Finance Ministry, many thanks for all that you do.
Faithfully yours,
Stewardship & Finance Ministry
If you would like to contribute electronically, click the “Give Now” button.
Printable Pledge Form
If you would like to print the paper copy of the 2022 pledge form, above is the file attachment – you will need 8.5 × 14 inch/legal size paper. Copies of the form are also available at the Church and the Outreach Center.