Welcome to 10:00 AM Sunday Worship. Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance. Sunday School Students meet in Fellowship Hall following the Exchange of Christ’s Peace unless it is a Family Sunday. We offer 2 Sunday School Classes: Children & Worship for Pre-K through grade 1 and Faith Works for grades 2 through 8. Additionally, refreshments are available following the service in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome – invite a friend!
[click here] 10:00 AM Worship on Sunday, Mar. 30, 2025
Fourth Sunday in Lent – Speaking of Sin
Like a loving father welcoming a prodigal child home and inviting the other to join the feast, God welcomes us all. Let us celebrate such amazing grace at this Sunday’s 10 AM worship. Sunday school students will meet downstairs following the Exchange of Christ’s Peace. We thank our all of our worship volunteers and teachers.
EPISTLE READING: 2 Corinthians 5: 16–21
We are ambassadors of reconciliation.
GOSPEL READING: Luke 15: 1–3, 11b–32
A lost family experiences the salvation of God.
CHANCEL CHOIR ANTHEM: “Come Bless the Lord” by Robert Lau
PASTOR DAVID’S SERMON: “Speaking of Sin“
Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.
[click here] 10:00 AM Worship on Sunday, Mar. 23, 2025
Third Sunday in Lent
Isaiah announced God’s invitation: “Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink … it’s all free!” (55:1, NLT). Are you thirsty for good news, peace, hope, love? Christ is the water of life. Welcome to worship beginning at 10 AM this Sunday. Sunday school students will meet downstairs following the Exchange of Christ’s Peace. We thank our volunteers for providing refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the service of worship.
Friendly reminder about the AED/CPR training with Chris Trigg following worship at approximately 11:30 AM at the Outreach Center. The American Red Cross CPR/AED course trains participants to give CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) until EMS arrives. The cost is $25, and participants will receive certification.
HEBREW LESSON: Isaiah 55: 1–9
Isaiah’s people hear God’s claim on their lives.
GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 13: 1–9
Jesus teaches God loves giving second chances.
CHANCEL CHOIR ANTHEM: “Abide With Me” Arr. Victor C. Johnson
PASTOR DAVID’S SERMON: Repentance with Results
Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.
[click here] 10:00 AM Worship on Sunday, Mar. 16, 2025
Second Sunday in Lent
Welcome to 10 AM worship as we journey through the season of Lent, seeking to grow in faith, hope and love. We thank all our volunteers participating this Sunday. Sunday school students will meet downstairs following the Exchange of Christ’s Peace. Refreshments will be available following the service in Fellowship Hall.
Join us Sunday’s from about 5:45–7:00 PM (following Confirmation class) at the Outreach Center for our Lenten Study using The Chosen (Season 3 & 4).
HEBREW LESSON: Philippians 3:17–4:4
Rejoice that we are citizens in heaven.
GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 13:31–35
Jesus confirms the violence he will undergo in Jerusalem.
PASTOR DAVID’S MEDITATION: Citizenship of Heaven
Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.
[click here] 10:00 AM Worship on Sunday, Mar. 9, 2025
First Sunday in Lent
The apostle Paul wrote: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). So we call on God’s name and rejoice! All are welcome to join us for 10 AM worship in the Sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church of Blairstown for this First Sunday in Lent. Sunday school students will meet downstairs following the Exchange of Christ’s Peace. Refreshments will be available following the service in Fellowship Hall.
EPISTLE LESSON: Romans 10: 8–13 St. Paul
The confession of our faith is, ‘Jesus is Lord.’
GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 4: 1–13
Jesus is tempted and resists temptations.
CHANCEL CHOIR ANTHEM: “Sing a Song of Thanks and Joy” by Stan Petel
PASTOR DAVID’S MEDITATION: Dueling with the Devil
Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.
[click here] 10:00 AM Worship with Communion on Sunday, Mar. 2, 2025
Transfiguration of the Lord Sunday & Gifts of Women Sunday
We welcome all to this time of worship with communion, faith education, and Christian fellowship beginning at 10 AM this Sunday. This Sunday, we welcome our guest, the Rev. Barbara Aspinall who has been a Presbyterian pastor for nearly 40 years. She has served several churches in New Jersey and retired after 25 years at Meyersville Presbyterian Church in Gillette.
Additionally, we will celebrate the Gifts of Women this Sunday which offers a time to reflect on and rejoice in the ways women enrich the life of the church—thank you in advance for all who will participate in this special service of worship.
Following the Exchange of Christ’s Peace, Sunday school students will meet downstairs. We thank Bill Olivier this Sunday for providing refreshments in Fellowship Hall following the service of worship and Kelly McElroy for preparing communion.
HEBREW LESSON: 1 Samuel 2: 1–10
EPISTLE LESSON: Hebrews 10: 11–25
Parking is available on Main Street as well as behind the church. Elevator access is available to our second floor Sanctuary at the rear entrance.
Join Zoom Worship:
Meeting ID: 848 4980 5011 Passcode: 751360