It’s Time to Apply for PW Johnsonburg Summer 2025 Camperships:
The Presbyterian Women support children from our church who are interested in attending summer camp at Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center. Any child interested in attending this summer should write a letter to Presbyterian Women indicating their reason for wanting to attend camp. Letters should be into the church office by April 30. Johnsonburg summer camp programs are designed to welcome all kinds of campers, from kids spending their first night away from home, to veterans of the summer outdoor experience.
More information on Johnsonburg summer camp can be found at:

If you’re interested in contributing to the PW Camperships, donations may be made electronically from our ‘give now‘ button (please indicate what your gift is for) or by sending your offering to the church: P.O. Box 385, Blairstown, NJ. Thank you! Your gifts are greatly appreciated!