Peace & Global Witness

September 7–October 5, 2025
Through the Peace & Global Witness Offering, congregations are encouraged and equipped to find and address the anxiety and discord that is prevalent throughout this broken and sinful world. Contributions may be mailed to the church payable to “First Presbyterian Church” at P.O. Box 385, Blairstown, NJ 07825 – please specify the special offering you are supporting. Contributions may also be made electronically for PC(USA) Special Offerings; simply select “Give Now” to begin.

September 4 – October 2, 2022

A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of Christ by addressing systems of conflict and injustice across the world. Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this Offering to connect with the global witness of Christ’s peace. Mid councils retain an additional 25% for ministries of peace and reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness.


25% Congregational peace and witness efforts
25% Presbytery and synod peace and witness efforts
50% Presbyterian Mission Agency

peacemaking, reconciliation and global witness

For more information on the Peace & Global Witness Offering, visit