Mission Ministry

MISSION – A Calling from GOD 
MINISTRY – Take heed to
the Ministry    
which thou 
hast received 
in the Lord thou fulfill. 
Eph. 4-12

What is MISSION?  Looking outside of ourselves to help others changes lives every day.  Giving a smile to a stranger can actually change a life regardless of whether or not you are part of Mission.  As Christians we want to live as GOD directs ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’ Mark 16:15 KJV.  Showing GOD’S Love to others in any and all forms is doing His will. 

Mission Ministry could not be successful without each and every member of our Church.  Your generosity of love, talent, time and financial support enable Mission to share God’s Love far and wide. Here are examples of what we have been worked on:

  • Presbyterian Causes (GA, Synod, Presbytery)
  • Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
  • PCUSA Offerings – Christmas Joy, One Great Hour of Sharing, Peacemaking, and Pentecost

Our Mission Ministry “travels the world” to share God’s Love on behalf of the entire congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Blairstown. We thank each one of you for this wonderful opportunity. May God bless you.