For those who need food pantry assistance, we are open the third Saturday of the month from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.
Our Food Pantry is open the third Saturday of each month from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
With many local residents being out of work or working with reduced incomes, the need for our food pantry assistance is growing! We are encouraging all who are able to please donate food or personal care items to the food pantry. Donations may be left inside (side door entrance) the Outreach Center at 35 Main Street, Blairstown, NJ —office hours are 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM—however, these hours are usually longer. Financial contributions to the First Presbyterian Church Outreach Center Pantry are always welcome and may be mailed to P.O. Box 385, Blairstown or may also be donated online.
Nonperishable pantry contributions may also be left at the police department parking lot (behind the municipal building). Thank you everyone for the continued support as the need is greater than ever. Collection hours remain between 8 AM – 5 PM 7 days a week. The Blairstown Office of Emergency Management has provided this shed to leave nonperishable items. All items collected are distributed to the pantries serving the Northern Warren area. If you are unable to donate any food items, please consider a monetary donation so items that are needed can be bought.
Thank you to all who contribute!!
North Warren Area Food Pantry Schedule
(subject to change – confirm with individual pantry location)
1st Saturday of the month: 9:30 AM – 11:30AM
First United Methodist Church, 10 Stillwater Rd., Blairstown, NJ
(next to the Blairstown elementary school)
908-362-6693 website: https://firstumcblairstown.com/event/food-pantry/
2nd Saturday of the month: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Evangelical Free Church, 10 Lambert Road, Blairstown, NJ
(next to North Warren High School)
908-362-8979 website: https://www.efcbnj.org/Ministry/Support
3rd Saturday of the month: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
First Presbyterian Church, 35 Main Street, Blairstown, NJ
(next to the Post Office)
908-362-5254 website: https://fpcb-nj.org/church-ministries/food-pantry/
4th Saturday of the month: 9 AM – 11 AM
St. Jude’s Catholic Church, 7 Eisenhower Road, Columbia, NJ
908-362-6444 website: https://stjudech.org/service-for-those-in-need
4th & 5th Saturday of the month: 10 AM – 12 PM
Knowlton Methodist Church, Route 94, Columbia, NJ
908-496-4313 website: http://knowltonumc.org/food_pantry
1st three Mondays of the month: 9 AM – 12 PM
St. John’s Methodist Church, 354 High St., Hope, NJ
908-459-5759 website: https://www.umc.org/en/find-a-church/church/?id=11006